
Try this five spices for better and faster health benefits.


Food is the most essential and significant part of our everyday lives. So make sure to consume food which is both healthy, tasty & nutritious. Including healthy spices can level up your food not just in the context of taste but also offer you a wide array of potential health benefits. Spices don’t just act as a decorative means but also offer nutritional value making your food feel and taste divine. Spices add a tint of flavour, aroma, and unique taste to your normal-looking food getting you out of your eating rut.

Here are the top 5 healthy spices you should include in your diet for better and faster health benefits

1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a widely known spice high in cinnamaldehyde, thereby offering excellent health benefits. Cinnamon is a powerhouse of antioxidants that protects your body from cell damage caused by free radicals. The medicinal properties of cinnamon have proven to reduce the risk of triglyceride and total cholesterol levels which are linked to heart diseases. Cinnamon offers a sweet taste without increasing blood sugar levels which is highly effective in lowering blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

 2. Turmeric
A popularly used spice in Indian households, Turmeric is the spice that gives the curry its vibrant yellow colour. The main active compound found in turmeric is curcumin which helps suppress molecules known to play a significant role in chronic inflammation. Low levels of BDNF protein lead to many brain and age-related disorders like Alzheimer and depression. But consuming curcumin may help reduce, delay, or reverse many brain and age-related disorders as it contains considerate levels of BDNF protein which is related to memory and learning.

3. Ginger

Ginger is a flowering plant whose rhizome known as ginger root or Ginger is used as a spice to add a sweet and savory flavor to food and has many important health benefits. Ginger is very helpful to treat chronic indigestion and to get rid of nausea. It also helps fight the flu and the common cold. Consistent use of Ginger can aid you in losing weight as it has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger contains Gingerol which is the main bioactive compound in Ginger. According to research, gingerol has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties which may help reduce the risk of cancer.

4. Cumin

Cumin is a spice mainly used in native regions of the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia that is made from the seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant having a nutty, spicy, earthy, and warm flavor. Cumin is rich in iron which is highly effective for children as they need iron to support growth and young women require iron to replace blood lost during menstruation. Persistent use of Cumin has been known to improve blood cholesterol levels and promote a fat reduction in many pieces of research

5. Cardamom

Cardamom is a spice known worldwide that has an intense, slightly sweet flavor used in both sweet and savory recipes. Cardamom has high levels of antioxidants that may be helpful for people suffering from high blood pressure. Cardamom contains anti-inflammatory compounds which can help fight chronic diseases preventing inflammation in your body and also has antioxidants that protect cells from radical damage.


Spices don’t just enhance your food but also help you stay fit and healthy. Whether you use spices fresh or dried, you will still reap the same benefits from their use. The best way to use spices is to stew or simmer the food with it which can increase the antioxidant levels. Undoubtedly spices are a great way to make healthy meals taste delicious and make you enjoy the food to its fullest without the need to eat a plain and undecorated meal.


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